Birthday Bouquet


When my partner Ben brought these flowers home for me, they were so happy and lively and vibrant!
I knew immediately that I wanted to get that feeling into a painting.

FYI this painting ships already framed… The frame sets off these happy flowers to their best advantage.
Framed; pastel on textured board,19 x 24″

**Price includes global shipping and all taxes.

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When my partner Ben brought these flowers home for me, they were so happy and lively and vibrant!
I knew immediately that I wanted to get that feeling into a painting.

If you look closely you’ll notice that you can see the texture of the board in some of the flowers – but not all of them!
Learning to create that – smoothness AND texture – was such fun for me.

I hope that joy and playfulness comes through for you.

FYI this painting ships already framed… The frame sets off these happy flowers to their best advantage.

Framed; pastel on textured board,19 x 24″

**Price includes global shipping and all taxes.

Created with lightfast, acid-free, archival materials.
Ships securely packaged and lovingly giftwrapped.

THANK YOU for supporting this independent artist : )